Sahaja Yoga is not done through brain activities.

We must understand that Sahaja Yoga is not done through brain activities. Like many people think that if you just tell yourself, “You have to be like this”, it will work out. If you have to all the time inform yourself that, “Oh, you must get rid of a particular problem”, you’ll be all right. Or some people think that if they tell somebody, that “This is wrong with you and you should get well”, it will be all right. It is not so. Because Sahaja Yoga does not work on mental level. It works on spiritual level which is a much higher level than the mental level.

So what you have to do is to understand how to correct your chakras. And you must understand how to work out your machines. Perhaps people still live on mental level and try to solve problems on mental level. And that’s why all the problems start coming out. Now, if you have a problem with any chakras or there is anything catching or you find that there’s something wrong with you, no use working it out on any other level but spiritual level.

Now, this mental level can go even further in a subtler way into people. Some of you might feel that by knowing some of the aartis and things by heart you will achieve great depth, it is not true, also. Because that is also just words. But, if that is an awakened thing within you, then they become a mantra. And then you can work it out. But first of all you must achieve a certain standard to have that power to create the mantras. Also, when you say some aarti, it’s not necessarily possible that it will work out. Let us face the things as they are and not to be conditioned by anything else. You have to achieve a certain depth within yourself to even enlighten the mantras. First of all, you should have clear-cut vibrations, minimum of minimum.

If you have certain chakras catching, then try to improve your chakras with the photograph. With all due respect to the photograph. It’s only the photograph which is going to work it out. Nothing else. Or if I am there. But once you have achieved a certain state of enlightenment, then you can use mantras otherwise also, it will help you. But first of all your heart must be clear. I’ve found out, in general, there are two chakras overwhelmingly not working all right in most of the western people. First is the heart. That means heart is not clear, that heart is not clean, that in the heart you still are a small person, in the heart you have not placed your Mother. You have to purify your heart by looking at the photograph and putting all loving feelings about your Mother, understanding Her work and putting Her into your heart. If the heart is not clear, then everything has no meaning because it is a “dark heart” which is doing all these things. The heart has to be clean, absolutely surrendered and must try to put Me before everything else. I can tell you because you are all Sahaja Yogis, I cannot say this to people who are not Sahaja Yogis.

For example, if someone thinks that he tries to be nice or good to Me, or if he is close to Me, so-called, and if he thinks he is organizing better or he’s doing this work or that work or anything else like that, where he feels that he’s important because he is doing this job or that job, then one must know that all this is mental. Actually, you are doing nothing. Whenever you try to do something, you really confuse yourself and confuse Me also.

So this clear-cut idea comes to you when your heart is clean. But first of all, people do not understand that you have to work it through your heart and not through your brain. When we have to work out things through our brain, we try to develop our brain, isn’t it? By memorizing, by practicing something, teaching our brain how to think, how to go this way that way. We try to train our brain.

Now, we have to train our heart in Sahaja Yoga. And to train our heart in Sahaja Yoga one has to know, first of all, that it is enveloped either by ego or by superego. The limbic area actually represents the heart. And if there is ego, heart will always be so-called, it will not be the real heart that will be working, but it’s only mental, mental projection. And you will feel that “I’m doing it from my heart.” But it’s not true.
Now then, supposing, what should we do if we have ego? You might say you should try to sort of tell yourself that that’s not good and this and that and all kinds of mental suggestions or autosuggestions or this – the way psychiatrists know that give you suggestions. That’s again mental. So that’s not the way it is going to work out. We must understand that for that what we have to do is to raise the left side and put it to the right side. There’s no other way out. You have to just work it out with your hands, your hands are working it out and not your brain. So use your hands and the methods of Sahaja Yoga.

you have to know that Sahaja Yoga is to be worked out, it ‘s not to be thought out. You just cannot think about it. Whatever you may try to do through your thought, you cannot achieve any results in Sahaja Yoga.

You have to use your hands, you have to use your feet, you have to soak your feet in the water because water is the ocean.

they are basically made of matter. And these five elements constitute the body of these chakras. Now, these chakras, if they are to be corrected, we have to correct them by taking out all the problems of these chakras into the elements from which they’re coming. For example, a person who is a very right-sided person. So he has to give a balance by the left-side. Of course, raising with the hand is all right, but what about the element? Right-sided person has all the elements which give heat: we can say, the light, we can say, the fire. So for people who are right-sided the light is not going to help much. Like if you put the light before the photograph, and those who are ego-oriented people — if you just use the light, it’s not going to work out. So what is going to work out is the Mother Earth and the water element, which is cooling. Even ice is very helpful to people who are right-sided. So all cooling effects should be used for correcting your right-sidedness, so that you cool it down.

Same about food. In food, those who are right-sided people should take to foods which are left-sided, that is carbohydrates — means they should become partly vegetarians, or quite a lot vegetarian — and should eat things at the most like chicken, but not fishes, not seafoods because they are all hot. That’s how you treat your material side of your chakras. Now, the left-sided people should use, again, the deepam — is the light — or the fire to correct their left side. Also in food such people should take more to nitrogenous, means protein and foods like that. They should take more proteins.

Now, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned, the basic thing is Kundalini. And the Kundalini, as I have told you, is the pure desire. Again, listen to it carefully: pure desire. That means all other desires are impure. There’s only one pure desire. And that is to be one with the Divine. One with the Brahma, one with God — that’s the only pure desire. All other desires are impure. So train your mind gradually to achieve that desire as the main thing. If you train your mind in that fashion, then you can develop pure desire, so all other desires will negate, gradually. All right.

Now, this desire to be one with the Divine is the purest and the highest. And to achieve that what have you to do? To achieve that you have to keep your Mother pleased. Very simple.

a person who tries to show off too much, try to be always the first or try to be always the… sort of a cinema star — I don’t like such people. You have to be very quiet and extremely shy about showing off yourself.

you are saints. And you have come on this Earth to establish God’s Kingdom. That’s what you have to do.

Now, another chakra which is horribly caught up with most of you is your Nabhi Chakra, suggesting that you are still very very materialistic. In small small things also we are materialistic, it becomes subtler and subtler and subtler…

So try to understand that matter is not so important. Matter is just there to please each other. Specially to please your Mother. It has no other value whatsoever. So you should not try to be materialistic, in the sense that, you see, for a little thing you have to do this, for a little thing you have to do that. Nothing is important. If it works out — well and good, and if it doesn’t work out — well and good.

So, you see, Nabhi Chakra is very individualistic, very individualistic. It is everybody’s personal thing. If your desire is only up to Lakshmi power point that you want to have more money or you care for little things here and there, without any spiritual value to it, then your Lakshmi Tattwa at the most might be awakened.

But this Lakshmi Tattwa has to become Mahalakshmi Tattwa. That is for your ascent. And just to get it to that Mahalakshmi Tattwa what you have to do is to use all your material things and your material being in such a way that you please Me. That is very important. So you should not do something that will not please Me. That’s very important, everybody must understand.

Always must be properly combed, properly done hair. These modern things you should give up, of disheveled hair, because this is a sign of pukka bhoots coming into you. If you have disheveled hair, the bhoots recognize the person and they get into such a person who has disheveled hair. So try to make your hair in a proper way

You have to be tidily dressed, clean and tidily dressed. Not because it is material, but is very important that if it is not so, that kind of a material will attract all the badhas into you. You must keep yourself clean and neat because these badhas should not enter.

Whatever you buy, see the vibrations and then buy, otherwise just don’t buy. Because all kinds of nonsensical bhoots will be in your house and you will be troubled. So whatever you want to buy you must see on vibratory awareness. If you cannot understand, ask somebody else, a Sahaja Yogi to help you out. But don’t go on buying things just because you think they are cheap, or they are nice, or good. So try to buy things which, vibration-wise, are all right. And if it is not so — finished, it’s nothing important. That “I must buy this, I have to go to Bombay to buy this” — that’s a wrong idea.

Now, attention has to be inward all the time. I’ve seen that our attention is outward. Because of that, what we see outside is not good for vibrations. But if your attention is inside, you will not buy anything that is not good for vibrations. Or you will not own some things, you’ll just throw away. But the attention is outside and because of that you just don’t know how to judge it. Nabhi Chakra has to be attended to. For that you don’t have to think, you have to work it out, see which side of Nabhi is catching.

If the right side is catching, for you sugar is the best. Sugar represents many things. Sugar means your, also, tongue should be sweet, you should talk sweetly. People think that if you talk sweetly to someone, then people will start thinking that you are good for nothing or you are absolutely a meek person. We have to be meek. We have to be meek and humble, we must learn how to talk sweetly to each other. And if you do not understand how to speak, then take more sugar, vibrated sugar. That will make your tongue sweeter and sweeter, and your ideas will be sweeter about another person than harsh and criticizing. So for the right-sided people sugar is suggested.

For the left-sided people — salt. Left-sided people should take salt more, and with salt they can solve many problems because salt gives them a personality, a composer by which they can express themselves in a way which is dignified and so not very lethargic. So the speed of your talks or behavior or everything should be in the center. It should not be lethargic, nor should be too quick and fast and hectic. So you will understand Sahaja Yoga is the central point of everything. Everything in the center one should try to bring it. Not one extreme to another extreme. If you talk too much and jabber too much and if you are fast, try to reduce your speed by alertly looking at it. You have to be alert. See, “My speed is going up; there’s no need for me to talk. Let me stop.” But those who do not talk at all also not good. So those who talk or those who do not talk have to understand only one thing — that whatever we talk, we talk in the center. Once you understand that, your responses to things will be absolutely central, balanced and beautiful.

So — not to feel guilty about anything because feeling guilty you do not get over it. Feeling guilty is an escape, you must face it. You must face it and see, correct yourself — and be one with it. That is a much better way than to just to go on feeling guilty or aggressive.

So one has to understand it, that it has to be worked out. I think, this must be really screwed into your head that Sahaja Yoga is to be worked out. You cannot just tell yourself, “Oh, I’m very happy”, because it pampers your ego, or “very unhappy”, because it is troubling through your superego. “I’m not very happy”, “I’m not very…” “I’m very happy” or “I’m very unhappy”. That’s not the way. You have to be in joy. And these things can work out. You should have patience with yourself, love for yourself and dignity, that you are Sahaja Yogis. Every individual has to work it out for himself, so the whole can be all right.

“Keep Your Mother Pleased”, Devi Puja, Vaitarna (India), 21 January 1983.

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