Seniority, leaders, racists, cleansing, joy, temper

1994-0407 Farewell Talk at Burwood Ashram 1994

Now some people believe that they are very old Sahaja yogis. This is another mistake we commit. They believe, “We are the senior.” There’s nothing like seniority, juniority in Sahaja Yoga. I find sometimes very new people are such great Sahaja yogis. Very new. They just go down, absolutely, into the essence of themselves and of Sahaja Yoga. Maybe their previous lives must have been so great, possibly, or maybe this life they have achieved something great maybe from the parents or from somebody. But some of them are really very, very deep.


Without putting any pressure, without doing anything, it happens. It’s a miracle. I must say it’s a miracle. But something works, and that is this all-pervading power.

With one idea if you go about, it will not help you. If you want … Someone said, “Mother, we wanted to get this house, we couldn’t get it.” Because you had only one idea, to get the house. But if you had the whole idea that if we get the house, then we’ll do these things, we can work it out better, this, that, then you get it. So, you should project yourself towards other things which are more important than yourself. Then suddenly you will start growing. It’s like some trees grow higher, some do not. Why? Because they aspire the sun’s light and they want to be more nearer to sun. But that’s not possible, you cannot be nearer the sun by just growing few feet. But they aspire. So they are taller than others. In the same group, you’ll find, some trees grow taller, some don’t.

So, one aspect is that you have to meditate, no doubt. So, one thing is to develop quality you have to meditate. That I said. But you must know what is your problem. You are right-sided or left-sided. It’s very important to know whether you are right-sided or left-sided. Now some people have problems which are left-sided. All right, they start doing water treatment. There was doctor in Delhi, Dr. Nigam, you must be knowing him. He had, I had cured his paralysis. I was surprised that his left hand was still not working out properly.

So I asked him, “What sort of a meditation you do?”

He said, “With the light and with the water.”

I said, “What? You are doing both?”


I said, “What, what’s wrong with you is right side [Shri Mataji corrects] – left side. So you should just do candle treatment. Just drop it.” I said it to him. Just when I said it to him, his hand started opening out. I said it only; becomes like a mantra I think. Started opening, he has opened his hand.

So about treatment also you must understand what treatment you must take. Now some people are left-sided. They should take left side treatment only. There should be no confusion.

So I said, “Who told you this?”

He said, “Everybody said the same thing.”

I said, “What did they say?”

“That you can take this.”

In Sahaja Yoga there are certain rules and regulations of the Divine. So now if you are suffering from the left, you just take treatment for left. No water treatment, at all. Now you are suffering from the right, then don’t take the candle treatment at all, at all. These are two sides which are to be corrected, then you are in the center.

When you feel you are in center, you can use both the things. But that is normally very few, I’ve seen. Normally you find very few people who have this central point. If they have, they should do this treatment. But there is no need to do treatment once you are in the center. But you have to meditate. So you can sit before the photograph. But to take out all your conditionings and things, or may be the day’s problem, you can sit before the photograph with a candle as well as water. But the ones who are not, should not. And one should not feel also bad if the leaders tell them, “You are left-sided or right-sided.” The problem is that in Sahaja Yoga there are leaders. It’s a myth. It’s a myth. It’s not something so seriously to be taken. But these leaders are there because I cannot communicate with all of you. So, they are there.


If you are racist you cannot be in Sahaja Yoga, you understand that. We don’t believe in race and religion and all these things which are separating human beings from one to another. That is our ideal, that we cannot have this kind of a nonsense in our society.


So the greatest advantage of Sahaja Yoga is that you can enjoy everything. That is the greatest advantage, whether it is art, architecture, music, or a lecture, or studies, education, family life, everything you should be able to enjoy fully. Then you are a real Sahaja yogi and that you have achieved that state.Sometimes there are problems, here and there, something happens, doesn’t matter. Have faith, and you will be surprised at the miracles that you get. One after another, so many miracles, but listen to Me and also try to follow what I say.

First of all, no temper. Temper if you have, you must know that it’s a serious thing in the West because there’s no controlling power over temper, and schizophrenia is the only ultimate result of temper. So temper should not be justified. All ego, temper should be brought down. One should not try in any way to get angry with others because of jealousy, because of complexes, because of anything. If it is so, please introspect, “Why do I get into tempers?” Shri Krishna has placed temper as the worst disease of all, He said from there it rises everything. But I don’t agree with Him because, you see, it must be, He was, for Him it’s a leela, the whole world is a leela, but not for everyone. Temper can come from Mooladhara, can come from Swadishtana, can come from anywhere. So one cannot say that the source of temper is going to be the source of all the problems, can be from anything. One can really get destroyed by anything, but temper is one thing that is the worst of all.

So, if you find anybody who is hot tempered, if you find yourself to be hot tempered, then please see to it that you overcome it. I used to tell before, I don’t know now, there must be My tapes that if you are very angry, then stand before the mirror and say all kinds of things. Or else you take a pillow and hit it hard when you are in temper. Close the door, hit the pillow and then go out. You may have to spend for another pillow, doesn’t matter. So you develop a very, I should say, a pleasing personality. That’s very important. You must have a very pleasing personality.