Workshops with Shri Mataji, youtube channels

Workshops with Shri Mataji 1 – 12 of 22

Workshops with Shri Mataji 13 – 22 of 22

Courtesy George Karydis

Please watch all the workshops with Mother?

John Noyce has done an incredible job with archiving & gathering them in a single link.

This is very important as it is evident that many of us have never seen these workshops.
Time and again we ask people to experiment by trying things that Mother has showed, and we see that not only they have never heard of them but they even insist that She never mentioned them.

An example is clearing the left side by holding the left hand towards Mother and the right hand in the air. Another one is clearing the left side by holding the left hand towards Mother and the right hand towards the candle. Same about using lemons, onions, plums and the list goes on and on.

The only thing worse than an ignorant yogi is the the fanatical one who has half knowledge.
We simply cannot have half knowledge and think that we know SY.
We have to try minimum of minimum to learn the basics from Mother DIRECTLY.

Thats the reason that Mother had Her Talks & workshops videotaped , for our own benefit and the benefit of the future generations.

If we want to move forward, we can only do so by learning first & then following in practice Her Teachings.

Teachings of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Early teachings of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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