Workshop for new people, candle treatments, right hand to sky, to candle

In this video Shri Mataji uses as a left side treatment:

1. left hand towards my photograph ... and right hand on the Mother Earth

2. right hand towards the sky  (also here: Cleaning mental sickness (=left side) with right hand up )

3. right hand towards a candle

All this goes one after another in one video. For convenience, I made 3 links to the same video

first put your left hand towards my photograph ... and right hand on the Mother Earth

We have to look after ourselves in a way that we should keep good health. And to keep good health in Sahaja Yoga, there are thousand and one things, which you have to know, which is very easy to understand, and which will be told to you for no price at all, nothing. It is the Divine that is anxious that you should get it, that you should settle down, that you should enjoy it. So, you don’t have to be so anxious about it. These anxieties must be given up, just try to understand your centers.
Now many of you did feel the cool breeze. But maybe, after some time, you may lose it, doesn’t matter. You’ll go up and down, like that, doesn’t matter. It does not mean that you’ve lost it, not at all.
Now supposing you try a method, a simple method, that you first put your left hand towards my photograph – just now you can try – and right hand on the Mother Earth, let’s see.

Right hand on the Mother Earth, that’s why I wanted to have it in the open, but doesn’t matter now, if rain is good for you, for the farmers, let’s have it.
So, now put your left hand like this, and right hand – those who are sitting can put up like that [towards the sky]. Like this. Back [the palm towards the back]. Yes. Right hand like this, right. Not left, right hand.
Sahaja Yogi: It’s on the ground. No, like this.
Shri Mataji: Backwards, yes, right hand.
Now what we are doing, the left-hand side power, is the emotional power. Now if you have an emotional problem – say, somebody has been taking drugs, he’s a left-sided person. Some drugs are- LSD and all that- right-sided, but most of the drugs take you to the left side. Gurus are left sided problem. Most of these problems are mental problems, are left-sided problems. But the problem of the intellectuals is right sided, futuristic people is right sided. People who are running the rat race are right sided, you see, that kind of over activity, that kind of things. On the contrary, those who have taken to drugs are left sided.
So, first try with the left, let’s see.

Now put your right hand on the Mother Earth. Put your right hand on the Mother Earth.
Now, put your left hand towards Me.
Gradually, you’ll find it will start flowing in your left hand. Is it flowing?
Put your right hand on the Mother Earth, because the Mother Earth takes away. You see, you are just earthing it, put it on it, touch it, touch, touch it, you see, you are earthing yourself, is a very simple thing.
Now left sided problems easily go to Mother Earth, it’s true, but the best is to have a light. Now, say, if you have a candle, candle is the best, for left-sided problems, candle is the best thing to take it. Because left sided problems, we can say, are cold problems, or problems which arise from coldness. You see, a person who becomes inactive.
Now see.
You just put your left hand towards me like this and right hand towards a candle.

You ‘ll be amazed, sometimes, the candle starts burning “tac” and drop like that and sometimes it creates such black smoke that, if it is next to a wall, you might find the whole wall becoming black. It’s very interesting to see how the candle reacts, but you must have a photograph in front. And there should be a candle before the photograph and one candle like this to take it out.
Like that. Now, see, better? All right?

(Workshop for new people, candle treatments, Sydney, 1983, March the 20th)

right hand towards the sky for a left side

right hand towards a candle for left side

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