About Swiss bank issue

Andrey Gindin (10/07/2021 WhatsApp)

На обсуждениях после медитации присутствовал Ферги (которого видео о гхи смотрели на программе) и он в последствии переслал нам письмо от Линды Тэйлор, которую Шри Матаджи упоминала в лекции 96го года в Каире. Будем обращаться к ней с приглашением на эти программы 🙏🏼

During the discussions after the meditation today, uncle Fergi (from the ghee video been present) and afterwards sent us the letter from Linda Taylor, to which Shri Mataji referred on the 96' Cairo talk. There is a desire to invite her to those sessions.

Jay Shri Mataji!!!


Thank you so much Bodil, Andrey and all the contributors to this morning’s session! It was super! Very helpful and well researched and structured.🙏
Please can you share the music that was played at the end.
Below is the letter from Linda Taylor that Fergy has forwarded on. It seems that the aspect of that work that Mother asked her to work on has been resolved with the Swiss banks paying the Holocaust survivors and their relatives 1.25 billion dollars in 1998.
Nonetheless, it would be great to get in touch with her and hope that she can join us with her enlightened attention. Her email is at the bottom of the letter if anyone would like to contact her. I’m also happy to.
Lots of love❤️❤️❤️

Dear Sahaja Yogi Brothers and Sisters,

I'm the Linda that Shri Mataji is referring to in the 1996 Cairo talk. This is what happened.

In early 1996, the Swiss Bank Association announced a method to process the claims of Jewish Holocaust victims. The Swiss Bank Association estimated that there was 32 million dollars remaining in Swiss bank accounts. This estimate was considered shockingly small by the world community.


In April and October 1996, U.S. Senator D’Amato from New York, who was chairman of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, conducted hearings about this matter.


Mark and I were living in San Diego. In mid-October 1996, Shri Mataji called and spoke to me personally about Senator D’Amato’s investigation. She asked me to go to New York to work with Jewish organizations on this matter. She explained that, as a Jew, I could encourage Senator D’Amato to continue to take a firm stand against the Swiss banks. She told me that the Swiss banks were not cooperating, and that Senator D’Amato was a key figure to keep putting pressure on them.


In November 1996, Mark and I moved to New York. Starting in December 1996, I began contacting Jewish organizations. I also contacted Senator D’Amato’s office in Washington, DC several times. I formed a committee of Sahaja Yogis, the International Campaign for Swiss Bank Reform. We wrote a mission statement, conducted research and compiled key facts about the Swiss banking system and its effect on the world economy. In April 1997, we sent a letter to Senator D’Amato offering our support and requesting a meeting with him in Washington, DC. We didn’t receive any response from Senator D’Amato’s office.


Until this week, I had not heard Shri Mataji’s talk in Cairo which She gave in October 1996. In the talk, Shri Mataji said: “So as far as peace is concerned, I will manage that. But poverty only this Swiss Bank has to be. Only two problems we have – one is violence, another is poverty. Violence part I will look after, Violence I can manage.


About the Jews, Shri Mataji said, “Instead of fighting the Palestinian people, they should fight the Swiss Bank. See, that’s important. See, that’s important. Not for money, but on principle.”


Later in the talk, She said, “If you people write, they will feel more energy about it. Since I said it in China, it has started working out.”

The power of Shri Mataji’s attention and concern was apparent. Throughout 1997 and 1998, international pressure on the Swiss banks continued to build. In August 1998, the Swiss banks agreed to pay Holocaust survivors and their relatives more than 1.25 billion dollars.


Here is the link to the audio for the 1996 Cairo talk:

If anyone has any questions about this, please contact me at ltaylor108@earthlink.net.


With love,

Linda Taylor
New Jersey, USA


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