
"but we should clean our hearts. The biggest disorder (enemy) of the heart is anger: It is the biggest sickness. And when a person is angry, his purity is destroyed. Because another name of purity is selfless love: that love which always flows and does not expect anything in return. The satisfaction of this love is that it’s just flowing and when it does not flow it gets suffocated and it gets disturbed. So, purity means that you fill your heart with love, not with anger."


So, purity means that you fill your heart with love, not with anger.

Anger is our enemy of course but it’s the enemy of the whole world. Whenever there have been big wars in the world, whatever destruction happened, it has happened because of collective anger. There are many excuses for anger: I got angry because this thing happened, I got angry because that thing happened. To become angry human beings can always find some reason. But you should know that even extremely destructive things like war have come because of this anger. The basic reason behind that is anger.

If our heart is full of love then we cannot be angry."
(1990-03-30 Birthday Puja Talk Hindi)