...If you ask me there was no need to have a revolution of that kind; to kill Marie Antoinette was not necessary...

So, the second conditioning that comes to us that we cross all limits of humanity when we take revenge. They would not have been satisfied that she was still living! “Oh God, we have to kill her!” Of course, I don’t say that somebody who has done any harm to the country, to the nation, should be allowed to go on like that, but how far you go with that is to be seen. So, the wisdom of Sahaja Yoga is in understanding the limitations up to which you can go to express your anger, to express your revenge, so-called, on anyone whatsoever.

But the best thing would be to leave it to the Divine Power, because everything is done by Divine Power. We all exist inside the Divine Power. We cannot think of anything else of that kind. I cannot give you an analogy [as to] how Divine Power works. For example, if there were no rays of the sun coming out of the sun, staying inside the sun, and all things working out, then we would have said, “It’s something like Divine Power.” Nothing is outside that. Everything is inside. And this Divine Power is the Power of compassion and love, which does everything. But when we take up the responsibility, and when we decide [that] we have to do something, and that we are something, and try to go against that Divine Power, we become stupid people as we have seen.

So, to leave it in the hands of Divine Power, and to be just an instrument of that Divine Power is the way a Sahaja Yogi has to be. Because the compassion, the love of Divine Power is so great that it is wisdom, complete wisdom.
If there is something missing, doesn’t matter. It’s not so important! You should not be in tension. If you are in tension you cannot absorb my vibrations; or if you are lethargic also you cannot absorb my vibrations. So, you have to be in the centre; centre, in a receptive mood like a child is: that you have to absorb the vibrations with that feeling of expectation and joy. We have to receive Mother. But not with tension that: “This is not done, that is not done.”
So, are we expressing our love or our tension? What is [it] that we are doing? Are we trying to be tense because we are over-alert, or we are trying to neglect everything because we want to escape? Between the two lies Sahaja Yoga.
If you are absolutely lethargic, lenient, disheveled, absolutely confused, you are not in the centre. And on the contrary, if you are very strict, like a Rock of Gibraltar and after all like a big Hitler-like behaviour: ”You should be in time, everybody must have proper steps, must walk properly.” That’s not being Sahaj. That’s not being Sahaj.

Now, there’s not going to be a war of Waterloo anymore. So, we can say that Waterloo war was won because they reached in time: that’s not the thing. The war was won because it was to be won by the Divine Power. Even if they had reached late, they would have won it. Whatever happens is by the Divine Power. So, there is no need to be tense. Then you will say, “All right. Then, let us sit down and have a nice time. Everything will be done by the Divine Power!” No! Divine Power is going to work through your institutions, through your medium, so you have to be alert.

I hope you understand what I am trying to say: that a person who is relaxed need not be a person who is lethargic, but alert. Alert you can be, as well as you can be relaxed, because you are Sahaja Yogis, you are not like other people.
So, first of all we have to know that if we can reduce our tensions the heart will open. Heart has to open. After all, we are now in the ocean of joy and bliss. Why should we have any tension? But when we are in the ocean of joy and bliss, we are not drowning, we are swimming; so we have to swim. And this part, I think is not understood by many people.



(Shri Radha Krishna Puja, “The Importance of Friendship”, Melun (France), 9 July 1989)